Located at the Martinikerkhof 3 this church is open to visit daily, when there are no marriages or events.
A bit of history
The basis of the current Martini Church is a Roman-Gothic cross basilica that was built in the first half of the thirteenth century. Over the centuries, the church has been frequently adapted and renovated, just like the church tower. The Martini Tower was built between 1470 and 1550, after a predecessor collapsed in 1468. The 'new' tower collapsed in 1577 after it caught fire due to lighting bonfires. The tower was not restored until 1627. The 97 meter high Olle Grieze can be visited by purchasing a ticket at the tourist office in 't Forum.
Opening hours
The Martini Church is regularly open for viewing. People still have municipal marriages in this beautiful church.
But there are also still Protestant services every sunday, twice.
How to enter the church
In the summer months, access to the church is via the high choir and in the winter months via the Kosterij. The church is often used for all kinds of events. Current opening hours can be changed per day due to: an event. The tourist opening hours calendar shows the current visitor information for each week/month.
You can look here for the events that are taking place at the Martinikerk such as
Classical music Choirs
Entrance fees
When the church is open for viewing you have to pay a little more symbolic amount per person. You can also make a much-appreciated contribution in the collection box at the exit for the maintenance of the monumental church.