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Open Nederlandse Quiz Contest

Open Nederlandse Quiz Contest

Saturday 01 Feb 2025
Tickets: €60.00


Martinikerkhof 3, 9712 JG

On Saturday, February 3, 2024, the 15th edition of the Open Dutch Quiz Contest will take place at the Martinikerk! 

National and international teams will compete for the title of the "Best Quiz Team of 2024." In addition to this prestigious title and everlasting glory, the winning team will also receive an exciting prize.



Progress Events

Our experienced quizmaster will present various rounds with quiz questions covering topics such as art & culture, showbiz, news, and geography. The nine diverse rounds will include two photo rounds, two audio-visual rounds, and five rounds of general knowledge questions. The event is organized by Progress Events.



Team Korsakofschip from Utrecht claimed the title of "Best Quiz Team of 2023," with the well-deserved second prize going to 'Gargamel,' and the third prize to 'A Tribe Called Quiz.'


How to join?

The organization invites all quiz enthusiasts to participate in the fifteenth edition on Saturday, February 3, 2024, starting at 7:00 PM at the Martinikerk in Groningen! Join us for an exciting evening of intellectual challenges and friendly competition.

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